Mastering Project Slowdowns: 9 Strategies to Keep Your Project on Track

Project delays can be a daunting challenge for any team, but before accepting them as inevitable, it’s crucial to explore proactive approaches to control and mitigate slowdowns. In this blog post, we will delve into nine effective strategies that project managers can employ to navigate through setbacks and ensure successful project completion. Try these approaches before accepting the inevitability of a delay in project completion. 1. Renegotiate with Stakeholders: The…

Ten Best Practices for Schedule

The ten best practices associated with a high-quality and reliable schedule and their concepts are as follows. 1. Capturing all activities. The schedule should reflect all activities as defined in the program’s work breakdown structure (WBS), which defines in detail the work necessary to accomplish a project’s objectives, including activities both the owner and the contractors are to perform. 2. Sequencing all activities. The schedule should be planned so that…

Checklist for setting up project controls function

Setting up a project controls function is essential for effective project management. This checklist outlines the key steps and considerations for establishing a project controls function within your organisation. Customise it to suit your specific project and organisational needs: 01. Define Objectives and Goals: Clarify the purpose and objectives of the project controls function. Establish measurable goals and key performance indicators (KPIs) for the function. 02 Allocate Resources: Identify and…

Shift your perspective

“If you think you are going in a circle, just shift your perspective.” In the realm of project delivery, it’s not uncommon to find ourselves trapped in a repetitive cycle of stagnation. However, breaking free from this cycle is possible through a simple shift in perspective. Explores the power of perspective in project management and emphasizes the need to recognise the loop and challenge assumptions. Seeking diverse inputs, fostering a…

Dear Project Manager, what is your Ikigai?…

The Concept ✔️ This Japanese concept diagram below shows ikigai as the convergence of four areas of life: what you love, what you’re good at, what the world needs, and what you can be paid for. The very center, where each area overlaps, is your ikigai – your reason for getting up and where you should focus your efforts to find ultimate fulfillment. Ikigai and Your Career✔️ Taking the cue…

How can you make time and be productive?

As we all know time plays a significant role in our life. Time helps us make a good habit of structuring and organizing our daily activities. If you understand the value of time better, you can gain experience and develop skills over time. Time is the most valuable resource because you cannot take it back. As said “you can’t manage time but you can manage priority” Saying that there are…

Every Risk Models are “wrong”

“every risk model is wrong but some are useful” this famous remark by a statistician, George E. P. Box in 1976 is still valid in the world of project risk management. His point was that we should focus more on whether something can be applied to everyday life in a useful manner rather than debating endlessly if an answer is correct in all cases. Having seen Monte Carlo simulation for…

S-Curve in Project Management

If you are a project manager, you may have heard of S-Curve, which shows progress, cost, manhours, and quantity. As said “trend is your friend”, most Project Managers are interested in seeing S-curves in project reports. S-Curve is a mathematical graph or illustration that properly illustrates the appropriate cumulative data for a project or task. This data can be the cost or man-hours plotted against time. The reason why it’s…

Tips for setting up Project Controls Function

Are you in the process of setting up a project controls function for your project or organisation? It is a challenging task. Let’s talk about the tips for objectives, success factors, risks, and issues that can help you with the task. Setting up a project controls function is a critical step in ensuring the successful execution of projects within an organization. Here are some tips for defining objectives, success factors,…

Power Interest Grid for Stakeholder Prioritisation

Have you felt that you are spending more time managing stakeholders than managing your project? As said, most time you can not manage time but you can manage priority. The key to success in stakeholder management is to know your stakeholders and priorities them based on their influence on your project success based on their power and interest. Stakeholder Management is the process by which you identify your key stakeholders…