Posted on: November 4, 2020 Posted by: zerofloat Comments: 0

The year 2020 has changed the way we look at our health with the Covid-19 pandemic.

When did you perform a health check on your project? Can you predict your project success?

If you have observed the following Unhealthy Signs below then your project success is at risk.

  1. No executive sponsor visible
  2. Resistance to new ideas
  3. No “experts” available
  4. “Why are we doing this?”
  5. Time is not important
  6. Cost is too important
  7. Unclear scope and starting point
  8. Can’t describe what finished means
  9. Uncontrolled — poor plans, controls, tracking mechanisms
  10. Slippage comes as a surprise
  11. “Issue” is a bad word
  12. Nothing in writing
  13. The tension can be felt
  14. Turnover is high
  15. “What risks?”
  16. All-or-nothing tactics
  17. Good staff are not available
  18. Everyone too busy
  19. Part of the problem
  20. Negative remarks about performance

If you have observed the Healthy Signs below then your project success is more likely achievable.

  1. Executive incentives tied to project KPI
  2. Investments in change management
  3. Subject matter experts dedicated
  4. A compelling reason to implement
  5. The solution doesn’t have to be fancy
  6. The difference can be measured
  7. Data-centric decision making
  8. Options provided to make decision
  9. Roles and responsibilities defined
  10. One accountable person
  11. Good governance in place
  12. Everyone gives the same finish definition
  13. Good evidence of control and tracking for predictable results
  14. Slippage, when it happens, is predicted
  15. Lengthy issues log
  16. Written agreements
  17. Morale is good
  18. The team is diverse
  19. Documented plan
  20. Test-it-first tactics
  21. People feel they are learning
  22. Part of the solution
  23. Good press is being created and willingness to invest in the project

Which signs relate to your project? What lesson will you share with others to help?

Need help? Explore how zerofloat can help you control your project.

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