Agile Assessment Guide


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Agile Assessment Guide GAO-24-105506 November 2023

Free Guide Download developed by The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO)

This guide has been developed with the assistance of many knowledgeable specialists in the field of Agile and other incremental software development methods to aid federal agencies, departments, and auditors in assessing an organization’s readiness to adopt Agile methods as well as enable assessment of an agency’s use of Agile methods. An overview of Agile software development is also available as a GAO Science and Tech Spotlight.

The best practices in this guide are presented as high-level concepts of software development, contracting, and program management that highlight aspects of Agile development throughout a program’s life cycle, and address key risks to an organization, program, or team without prescriptive “how to” steps. Many other publications address how to apply best practices in using an incremental approach to software development.

Readers can refer to those sources when considering a specific development topic.

GAO plans to periodically update this guide based on users’ experience and comments.

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